Top Essentials for Christian Living

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top essentials for christian living
Top essentials for Christian living / B-C-Designs via iStock

In the pursuit of living as authentic Christians, our journey goes beyond mere adherence to religious code or participation in routine church activities.

It’s deeper, rooted in building a profound, personal connection with Jesus Christ, living according to the instruction of the Word, and fostering love and fellowship modeled after Christ’s love.

This journey is a lifelong process and is very much akin to a multi-faceted jewel that we continue to polish every day of our lives.

As we expand further on this topic, we will explore the concepts of growing in faith, living by the Word, and practicing Christian love and fellowship.

These pillars of Christian living, while they exist independently, also interweave and contribute significantly to the formation of a holistic Christian life.

Growing in Faith

top essentials for christian living
Your faith is your strength / mattjeacock via iStock

In answering the question, how do we cultivate an enthusiastic and vibrant faith in Jesus Christ, we must first examine the meaning of faith.

Faith, rooted in the scriptures, is known to be the confidence in what we hope for.

It’s assurance in what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1).

As such, cultivating a robust faith indeed requires intentional effort, a conscious dedication toward a relationship with Christ, our savior.

Bare in mind, however, faith growth is a journey, not a destination. We build our faith step by step, incrementally striving to lean into God’s word and His loving embrace.

Practical Steps for Cultivating Faith

top essentials for christian living
Engaging in worship and listening to the Word / gorodenkoff via iStock

Here are some practical ways to help cultivate a robust and vibrant faith in Jesus Christ.

  1. Commit to consistent prayer: Prayer is an intimate communion with God. It avails us to the chance to express our thoughts, concerns, gratitude, and even our anxieties to God with the assurance of being heard. When we pray, our hearts align with His will and purpose.
  2. Study the Scriptures: Reading, comprehending, and living by God’s Word strengthens our faith and draws us closer to God. The Word of God is not only a tool for learning but for transformation as well.
  3. Engage in regular worship: Worship isn’t merely something we do every Sunday; it’s a lifestyle. Worshipping God through song, prayer, and in our day-to-day actions deepens our relationship with Him.
  4. Share the Gospel: There’s a flourishing joy and spiritual connection in sharing the Word of God with others. It refines our understanding of faith and strengthens our commitment to living like Christ.
  5. Fellowship with other believers: There is an untold strength that comes with community. When we fellowship with other believers, we become united, and our faith grows stronger. We become accountable, spurred on towards love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24-25).
  6. Exercise trust in God: Trusting in God, especially during storms, may seem daunting. However, undying faith is cultivated in the crucible of trials. By trusting in God’s sovereignty and His great love for us, we mature and our faith in Christ flourishes.
  7. Serve others with love: Jesus Christ being the epitome of servanthood, teaches us to serve others with love. By doing so, we embody God’s love and grace, further nurturing our faith in Him.

Living in God’s Presence

Remember always that faith isn’t just about believing in the unseen, it’s about experiencing God in real-time.

It’s living in constant awareness of His presence, His abundant love, and His transformative power in our lives.

Cultivating robust and vibrant faith is possible when we care to take these steps and make Jesus Christ not just a part of our lives, but the center of it all.

Living by the Word

top essentials for christian living
The Word of the Lord is absolute / c-photo via iStock

As we strive to live faithfully by the Word of God, there are potent strategies that we can adopt, that are embedded in the scriptures.

Different Christians may experience faith in diverse ways, but these practices guide us to a deeper walk with God, fostering a stronger bond with Him in everyday life.

Embrace humility is one such guideline.

This divine virtue, encouraged throughout the scriptures, encourages us to acknowledge that God’s wisdom surpasses our own.

In Proverbs 3:5-6, it is advised to “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

This requires the recognition of our limitations and the full trust in God’s infinite knowledge.

For a life dedicated to God’s Word, selflessness should be a central trait in our lives.

Our savior, Jesus Christ, exemplified this virtue through His sacrificial love for mankind.

As believers, we are called to “…do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.

Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

Indulging in Forgiveness

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A heartfelt moment of forgiveness / ljubaphoto via iStock

Indulgence in forgiveness is another key step to live faithfully by the Word of God.

The Lord Jesus teaches us to forgive — it liberates us from grudges, bitterness, and resentment.

We are familiar with the words from the Lord’s Prayer, “…forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”

As Christians, we are called to show similar grace and empathy towards others.

Additionally, practicing gratitude is an essential routine for living by God’s Word in our everyday lives.

Gratitude shifts our focus from what we lack, to the abundance we’ve been gifted. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 teaches us, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you actively pursue holiness.”

We are called to live a life of moral purity and righteousness, based on God’s standards.

As stated in 1 Peter 1:16, “for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.'”

This means continually seeking to align our thoughts, actions, and desires with God’s commandments.

Pursuing Holiness

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Holiness in the Bible / ProfessionalStudioImages via iStock

Living thankfully, forgiving abundantly, walking in humility, putting others first, and pursuing a holy life, all serve as routes to live out God’s Word faithfully in every facet of our lives.

These practices deepen our personal relationship with God, promote spiritual growth, and allow us to experience the fullness of God’s love and mercy.

With such dedication, we can indeed faithfully live by the Word of God in our everyday lives.

Practicing Christian Love and Fellowship

top essentials for christian living
The definition of fellowship! / jacoblund via iStock

While the concept of love is threaded throughout the entirety of Scripture, it’s important to cast our minds towards the specific Greek term ‘agape’.

This is God’s form of love – selfless, sacrificial and unconditional.

It’s this form of love we are called to exhibit when He commands us to ‘love our neighbor’.

Scripture is clear in defining our ‘neighbors’ as everyone around us – our friends, family, acquaintances, as well those with whom we may disagree or who are different from us in any way.

The call to love is not a selective command; it is all-encompassing, stretching beyond the barriers of similarity and comfort.

God’s capacity to love is immeasurable, far beyond human understanding.

The wonder of this is that God imparts this love to us. 1 John 4:19 reads, “We love each other because He loved us first.”

It is from this foundation that we draw the capability to love others.

Dethroning Ourselves for Neighborly Love

The starting point | PeopleImages via Getty Images

One of the starting points of loving our neighbor involves dethroning ourselves.

Prioritizing others’ needs above our interests is a concrete action that manifests love in tangible ways.

Whether it’s lending an ear to a friend in need, extending a helping hand to someone struggling, or spending our time with those who are lonely, we act out God’s love when we put others first.

Feelings are temporary and change as rapidly as the weather.

Love, as God defines it, isn’t a fleeting sentiment.

It involves acting consistently and compassionately towards others, regardless of how we feel.

Emotions may waver, but the love we’re called to can remain constant.

Following Jesus’ Example of Love

Emulating the love exemplified by following the example of Jesus
Emulating the love exemplified by following the example of Jesus / artplus via iStock

Jesus set the ultimate example of how to love others.

He served the needy, healed the sick, forgave sinners and gave His life for us.

When we think the task of loving others seems daunting, we can look to Jesus’ example.

Love and generosity go hand in hand.

When we give – be it our resources, time, gifts, or talents – we reflect God’s generous heart.

By withholding nothing, not even His own Son, God has modeled how we are to freely give to others.

Cultivating Agape Love: The Pillars of Patience, Kindness, and Prayer

a heart formed by hands
We all deserve a love like Agape—kind and patient / LeoPatrizi via iStock

As in 1 Corinthians 13:4, agape love, is patient and kind.

Patience and kindness are necessary when dealing with the inevitable differences, misunderstandings and conflicts that arise in human relationships.

Prayer cannot be underestimated in the quest to love others.

Through it, we can ask God for the grace to love as He loves, for the patience to bear with others, and for wisdom in handling complicated relationships, among others.

Truly loving our neighbor as ourselves involves a commitment to emulate Christ’s example.

It is a love that can be lived out each day in real, tangible ways, yet founded in the spiritual and eternal.

Through this love, we reflect the face of God to the world, offering them a glimpse of His agape love.

Living a Christian life is not a passive exercise. It requires active cultivation and dedicated nurturing to grow in faith, live by the Word of God, and practice Christian love and fellowship.

As we embrace these pillars of the Christian life, we transform not only ourselves but also impact the lives of those around us.

Our faith deepens, our understanding of God’s Word broadens, and we discover the true meaning of Christlike love; not just in feeling, but in action.

This is our calling, our mission, and our journey.

Wrapping up, it is important to remember that every step taken towards growing these aspects of our lives is worthwhile and brings us closer to being the authentic and shining Christians God desires for us to be.

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